Chicago Reader Book Swap

BOOKS ARE AWESOME! Take ’em and leave ’em at the Chicago Reader Book Swap!

Bring and take as many as 15 books, but nothing musty, dirty, torn, or in poor condition, and no encyclopedias, periodicals, or technical, legal or medical information books.

Enjoy live music from Old Town School of Folk Music performers!

For more information, click here.

Bounce and Read!

Open Books is pairing up with Bellicon Studio across the street for the first Bounce & Read. Enjoy a FREE introductory workout class at Bellicon Studio then stick around for a book group discussion of the baseball book Moneyball by Michael Lewis (books available for purchase at Open Books West Loop). So join us for an evening of trampoline bouncing and baseball talking (#flythew) at Bellicon Studio on Tuesday, November 29 at 7:00 pm.

Bounce and Read!

Open Books is pairing up with Bellicon Studio across the street for the first Bounce & Read. Enjoy a FREE introductory workout class at Bellicon Studio then stick around for a book group discussion of the baseball book Moneyball by Michael Lewis (books available for purchase at Open Books West Loop). So join us for an evening of trampoline bouncing and baseball talking (#flythew) at Bellicon Studio on Tuesday, November 29 at 7:00 pm.